Secret Scientist

Secret Scientist
Tony Davis
21 Dec, 2019

About Project

Secret Scientist is a premiere streetwear line, featuring an array of products from t-shirts, hoodies, jackets, accessories & plenty more. They contacted RVNW and decided it was time to take their talents to the inter-street, aka build an e-commerce platform to handle their orders. Before, they would handle all of their orders one-by-one through their Instagram DMs. We aimed to provide SS with a platform that would be user-friendly and easier for SS to manage their orders. Since the launch of their website they've opened up 8 flagship stores.

Analysis & Idea

We began by analyzing what wasn't working with their process, what they wanted to do with their new one during our discovery sessions.

Design & Development

We then began putting together a user-friendly website that helped them mitigate the customers of new inquiries they would be having.

Testing & Launch

Once we completed the prototype, and developing the staging website we began user-testing and provided a successful stress-free launch.

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